Thursday, May 14, 2009

Revival of the blog

Right, this is my pledge to keep my blog active and interesting. One new thing everyday - think I can do it? Who wants a bet?

I have been very quiet as I my life has taken a new course in the past few months. I have gone from Dot, doing advertising in Moscow, to Dot, working in responsible travel in London.

There are all sorts of unseen and intangible parts of my self that are being a bit slow to adapt. I sometimes feel like a rabbit caught in the headlights. I think often changes are more difficult to deal with than you realise. Logically, it isn't going to have dramatic affects on your person but if you try to look forward to look back, and think how you will reflect on this change in 40 years time, you realise that it is a sharper turn in your path through life, or a bigger cross road than you can see from in the thick of it. You need to take time to absorb, let yourself be taken by it and most importantly, not panic!

That's enough about me. There will be more from now on about travel and being a good traveller as well as the usual mix of thoughts on visual culture, advertising and my usual ideas and thoughts on what its like to be a person in this world.

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