Saturday, February 7, 2009


Apparently the colour red helps you pay attention to detail and work more efficiently (when you are in danger your mind will be focused). Blue makes you more happy and therefore more creative. As far as research in to the effect of colours go, I like this one. It sounds pretty believable to me. I have a nice blue happy blog but I definitely don't have enough red in my everyday colour scheme.

I noticed recently that on my home computer wallpaper I have a night time, red toned picture of the Bosphorous in Istanbul. On my work computer I have a day time, blue toned picture of the Bosphorous in Istanbul. I did not purposely coordinate my wallpapers and as it seems, I got the colours the wrong way around. It may be why my presentations at work are full of pictures and hypotheses and lack the details to back it all up.

The wallpaper that you choose is always difficult. To some extent it doesn't matter but the point is that you HAVE to choose one, which automatically makes your choice a significant one. It depends on whether your computer is a private place for you(home computer) or public space (office computer). Sometimes I put a personal wallpaper on my home computer and suddenly feel very self conscious when my computer is under the eye of another. I feel like I should explain my wallpaper somehow to justify it otherwise it is just sort of left hanging like a pink elephant.

My last choice of wallpaper was done like this: I firstly decided on a photograph of my own rather than a picture from the internet. I have had some good pictures from the internet which have made great wallpapers. I hade one of a horse race of people in horse costumes on a real race track which tickled me when I turned on the screen in the morning.

This black and white one of the Russian poet Mayakovsky is one I frequently return to. I tile it up so there are a multitude of his angry confrontational eyes staring at me. I like it because they demand something from me, they make me feel, act, think:

As for the two Bosphourous photos, not only did I go for two landscapes but also two water views. I am lead to think that this means that I want to look out through my screen and seem something vast and expansive beyond and through my computer. The computer screen is a window to the unkown, to new lands, new horizons and it is a journey of sorts.

Computer wallpaper - a great specimen of visual culture.

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