Thursday, November 20, 2008


Just to further confirm the world's growing antipathy, or should I say english speakers growing antipathy, the word 'Meh' has been added to the dictionary. 'Not bothered' was too long, 'meh' takes less effort.

Meh. Definition: "an interjection expressing indifference or boredom"

I'm speechless.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Why bother?

"Why bother?" is the curse of the human race. I saw that somewhere this morning and thought to myself, how true? There is nothing more negative than the feeling that you just can't be bothered but yet it comes so naturally.
I tried to explain the meaning of 'bother' once to a Russian friend and she nodded away in that way that says, I have no idea what you're talking about but if I nod, you might stop sooner. In a country where laziness is a huge problem, there is not direct translation of 'bother'. Why do we have this word in English? It's sad to think this may be a particularly English trait. But that's beside the point.
The point is why bother writing a blog? Well I'm not sure yet but at least I bothered to give it a go so I can feel that at least for today I've escaped the curse.